Find Rich's work throughout the genealogy world!
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Family Tree Magazine:
+Unusual Records: City Marriage Returns
+Unusual Records: Naturalization Correspondence Files
+Unusual Records: Early Alien Registration Records
+Unusual Records: Petitions for Naturalization
+Unusual Records: Registration Affidavit of Alien Enemy
+Unusual Records: State-Specific Military Records
+Unusual Records: Researching County Histories
+Unusual Records: Passport Applications
+How I Did It: Found Answers in Civil War Pension Index Cards
Irish Lives Remembered: Between the Lines and Through the Silences: Researching LGBT Ancestors [pp. 31 - 34]
Vivid-Pix “Round Tuit” Webinar Series - Rent my Immigration Records lecture & interview for $1.99 here
Tuesday Talk… with Rich Venezia
TIME Magazine: The Census Is More Than Just a Form. It's a Window Into the History of American Families
CBS News: Americans are Losing Interest in At-Home DNA Ancestry Testing
Thrillist: How to Track Down Your Long-Lost Relatives in the Old Country, Wherever That May Be
MyCanvas: From Grandma, With Love
IESAbroad: Helping Others Discover Their Roots: Alum of the Month Rich Venezia
Find My Past: Take your Irish research further
Nonna's Mulberry Tree
Ciao Pittsburgh: Personality Profile
Interviews, webinars, and appearances on Pittsburgh Today Live (KDKA/CBS):
Learn more about Rich and immigration records in this webinar from Vivid-Pix! Only $1.99 to rent for 30 days.
Rich Venezia joined Lisa Lisson of Are You My Cousin? to chat about researching our immigrant ancestors and their records.
Rich Venezia and other guests joined Valarie D’Elia of Travel With Val to discuss Italian genealogy and dual citizenship.
MARCH 2019: One local genetic genealogist and a member of the North Hills Genealogists explain what should be done if you've found someone related to you via DNA.
DECEMBER 2018: Representatives from North Hills Genealogists stop by to talk about ways you can learn about your family history while everyone is gathered for the holidays.
OCTOBER 2018: Kenyatta Berry and Rich Venezia stop by to talk about ways to trace your own genealogy!
JULY 2018: Linda Loewer and Rich Venezia, of North Hills Genealogists, talk about how summer family reunions can be a good time to start tracing your own family's roots.
JANUARY 2018: Linda Loewer and Rich Venezia, of North Hills Genealogists, is helping Pittsburghers find their roots.
MAY 2018: North Hills Genealogists stop by to explain the results of Heather Abraham's ancestry test!
Watch the RootsTech Panel with Rorey Cathcart, D. Joshua Taylor, and Barry Kline: "You Found It Where? Unusual Records"
MARCH 2018: Rich Venezia and Linda Loewer stop by to talk about the 2018 North Hills Genealogy Conference!
Tracing our family’s history can take us down some interesting paths. Take it from a genealogist who thinks that each of those paths, regardless of how bumpy or smooth, can lead us to a surprising place: empathy for others.