Rich offers consultations regarding dual citizenship, heritage tours, and general genealogical quandaries.
Dual Citizenship
A dual citizenship consult is for you if you are interested in determining your eligibility for citizenship, learning the benefits of dual citizenship, or want to handle most of the process yourself. If the latter, this can be a one-off consultation, or ongoing consultations can be scheduled as you gather your own documentation.
Heritage Tours
Are you heading to Italy or Ireland, and want to learn about type of research you'll be able to do on-the-ground? Let Rich Roots help you plan to make the most of your research time back in the old country!
Questions on a tough research problem, strategizing on what to do next, or starting a genealogy business? Let Rich Roots help you determine your next steps!
“I cannot recommend Rich’s consultations enough. He’s one of the most knowledgeable people in the world on this subject, so if you have ANY questions, he’s an incredible resource! Thank you again to the immigration records guru!”